Sabtu, 24 September 2016

MEGANTARA: Kemilau Budaya Sinari Nusantara

Hi everyone! welcome back to my blog. So last 2 weeks there was a culture festival called Megantara. Now I'm going to tell you my activities there, before I tell you that, you can check the video below!
MEGANTARA: Kemilau Budaya Sinari Nusantara

So, for you who do not know what Megantara is, it is a culture festival that presented by SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, , its located in Lapangan Bali at Bali street and it held once in a year.

In the morning around 9 am all of the student of SMA Negeri Bandung paraded around the school and they wear kebaya and pangsi, I didn't join this parade because I have to prepare for my fashion show in the afternoon. at 1pm there were some performance of KV 3 (Keluarga Vokal) and MK 3 (Musik Klasik) but I didn't watch it because I was changing my clothes with a traditional clothes from Lampung.

So, after I prepare myself for the fashion show, i went back to Lapang Bali and have a briefing there and after the briefing, the fashion show begin. I was so nervous because it's my first time to participate fashion show.

After the fashion show there was a performance of Karawitan. Unfortunatly I can't watch it because i have to wait at the backstage for the next agenda, next agenda is a greeting from the mayor of Bandung which is Ridwan Kamil and he will also pronounced the winner of the fashion show. After the greeting from him, he pronounced the winner and the winner is from my class which is Hafidh he wear a traditional clothes

from Papua Barat which is so cool.

After that there was also a performance of  T'sT (Tiloe's Theater) and unfortunately i didn't watch it because i have to change my clothes and remove my make up, but i have so much fun there because i watch some performance of The Changcuters and RAN.

That's all for me guys, I'm so sorry i didn't tell it all the performance because i didn't watch it all. So, thank tou for reading my blog, hope enjoy it!
RAN's performance

The Changcuters's permormance

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